About CAET

Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET) – Eastern and Western Perspectives is an international open access journal sponsored by IACAET (The International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy)  and published by Inspirees Education Group (www.inspirees.com). CAET was founded by Dr. Tony Zhou and Prof. Shaun McNiff, and since 2022 joined by five co-editors: Vivien Marcow-Speiser, Rebecca Zarate and Michal Lev. CAET has an international Editorial Board consisting of some 50 leading international expressive arts experts.

Publishing with CAET is free of charge without any APC (Article Processing Charge).

CAET is indexed in Scopus, OCLC WorldCat, EBSCO, DOAJ and CNKI databases and collected by such major institutions as the National Library of China, the Royal Dutch National Library, the Chinese Central Conservatory of Music, the Academic College of Society and the Arts (Israel), Art Therapy Italiana, Shanghai Theater Academy, China Academy of Fine Arts, East China Normal University, etc.

ISSN print: 2451-876X   online: 2468-2306

Mission and vision

As a journal established in Beijing, China, CAET’s founding mission is to further East-West and global dialogue and appreciation of how the arts contribute to therapy, education, and human understanding. The journal also welcomes contributions that advance this artistic purpose in all parts of the world. CAET aims to become a world leading journal in the field of creative arts education and therapy.

Open Access

CAET publishes as a fully open access journal. This means all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. If the author and the journal are properly credited, non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is allowed.

Information for Contributors

CAET encourages its contributors and reviewers to adopt the standards of the 2009 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, Sixth Edition). The Journal will not consider papers that have been accepted for publication or published elsewhere. Our FULL requirements for submission, including our conflicts of interest disclosure and ethics policies are described in detail in the Instructions for Authors.

Submission Process

Submissions to CAET are made using OJS/PKP. Registration and access are available at https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/login


Each author must disclose all financial relationships related to the subject of the paper.  This should include equity ownership, profit-sharing agreements, royalties, patents, and grants. Authors do not need to report the sums concerned. If none, state “none”.