Jun Hu, PhD

Hangzhou Normal University, China
Editorial Board member

Jun Hu, Dean of A/r/tography Research Center of Hangzhou Normal University, considers himself an a/r/tographer that resides in the liminal spaces in-between the artist, the researcher and the teacher, drawing inspiration and developing knowledge out of their mutual impact. As Chair of Asian Regional Council of International Society for Education through Art (InSEA), he is taking leading role in art education in East Asian region. He is author of The Cosmopolitan Character of Chinese Expressive Ink Painting  that won “First Prize Award of Social Science Research Achievements of Zhejiang Province” in 2021, and chapter author of Ma as a Machinic Component in ma: Materiality in teaching and learning that won the “Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention” of the Society of Professors of Education (USA) in 2020. As founder of A/r/tlink Charity Project, his therapeutic art projects have won national and international recognition for functionality and ingenuity, including the “In/visible” that enables the blind kids to engage in print-making, which has won 2 Gold Prizes and 1 Award at national level, and 2 Gold Prize and 1 Copper Prize at provincial level. Adapting a/r/tography with Buddhism and Taoism, he promotes “reverse inclusion” to engage social problems by empowering the weak, the disadvantaged and the disabled with artistic creativity.


杭州师范大学“艺游学(A/r/t)研究院”院长,以“艺游学者”自居——游走于“艺术创造(A;artist)、学术研究(R; researcher)、课程教学(T; teacher)”三者之间(/)——从三者的相互作用中获得灵感,产生新知。作为“国际艺术教育学会”(InSEA)亚洲理事会主席,他是东亚美术教育界的领军人物。他所著《中国画写意传统的世界性研究》获“第21届浙江省社会科学成果奖”一等奖,著其一章《间:抽象单位》的《间:教与学的物质性》获2020年(美国)教育学教授学会“杰出著作奖”提名。作为“艺术无障碍”公益项目的创始人,他的艺术疗育项目以其有效性与创新性获得国际国内高度评价,包括“看‘不见’的绘画”盲人版画项目获2项国家级金奖、1项国家级资助、2项省级金奖、一项铜奖。他以佛学、道家思想融汇贯通艺游学,倡导“逆向融合”——通过艺术赋能弱者、残疾者、不幸者来干预社会难题。

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