Nsamu Moonga, PhD

Music therapist
Editorial Board member

Nsamu Moonga is a Zambian-born, classically trained singer and licensed music therapist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and as a professional psychotherapist with the Zambia Counselling Council. Nsamu holds a BA in Psychology and an MMT. He has served on the World Federation of Music Therapy, the International Association for Music and Medicine, the International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapies, and the South African National Arts Therapies Association. Nsamu, a PhD candidate at the University of Pretoria, is a lecturer at the University of Pretoria and the University of Johannesburg. Nsamu’s PhD research explores how people with cancer can utilise the indigenous musical arts to manage anxiety and distress. He has multiple publications, including book chapters and journal articles, and is a regular speaker at conferences. He also serves on the editorial boards of two journals, Voices and the South African Journal of the Arts Therapies. His work explores health, lifestyle choices, medical complications, human sexualities, gender, spiritual experiences, and psychosocial support, focusing on anti-oppressive practices and non-interventionist practices.

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