Marcia Plevin, BC-DMT

Founder, Program Director
Creative Movement Association, Italy
Editorial Board Member

Marcia Plevin, American, dancer, choreographer and dance teacher is a psychologist and a dance movement therapist (BC- DMT) who has lived and worked in Rome Italy since 1986. She was on the modern dance faculties of the N Carolina School of the Arts and the Academia Nazionale di Danza, Rome.  In 1993 she   co- founded the Association of Creative Movement (CM) – method Garcia- Plevin (CM) in 1993. ( book written with her colleagues, Creative Movement and Dance, has been translated into 4 languages.

The CM training has been taught in Finland and presently in Italy, Turkey and China.  Dance movement therapy (DMT) clinical experience has been working in groups and individuals in areas of substance abuse recovery, with psychiatric patients and in pediatric oncology.  Her articles have been published in among other journals, Arts and Psychotherapy and the Journal of American Dance Therapy. Actually she is teaching dance movement therapy in Italy, Art Therapy Italiana, Bologna, teaching DMT and CM in Bilgi University, Istanbul and for the Inspirees Institute, China. Her article, “Portals of Transformation: Authentic Movement and Performance”, has recently been published in The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing, Oxford University Press, New York (2017). Marcia has studied Laban with Debra McCall and Peggy Hackney.

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