
Print and online advertising for organizations related to arts education and therapy fields are open to consideration in Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET). All sponsorship, advertising or funding must be approved by the publisher and owner first before being sent to the journal Editor-in-Chief for final approval. The publisher reserves the right to refuse sponsorship or advertising from any source.

CAET is subject to the publisher’s core advertising standards which are:

  • Advertising is not allowed to influence editorial decisions — editorial and advertising sales administration are separate operations.
  • All advertisers must comply fully with legal requirements relating to trade descriptions.
  • Adverts will respect the dignity of all persons and avoid causing offence on grounds of gender, marital or civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or race.
  • Any scientific information in a marketing communication will be presented in an accurate manner. Scientific terminology will be appropriate, clearly communicated and be capable of being readily understood by the audience to whom it is directed.
  • The positioning of adverts promoting specific products in proximity to articles discussing such products will be avoided where possible.
  • In all situations it will be clear for readers to distinguish between editorial content and advertising.
  • Online adverts will not be placed based on user behaviour.

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