Ilene A. Serlin

Associated Distinguished Professor of Psychology, CIIS, USA
Editorial Board Member

Ilene A. Serlin, Ph.D, BC-DMT is a licensed psychologist and registered dance/movement therapist in practice in San Francisco and Marin county. She is the past president of the San Francisco Psychological Association, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, past-president of the Division of Humanistic Psychology. Ilene Serlin is Associated Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, has taught at Saybrook University, Lesley University, UCLA, the NY Gestalt Institute and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She is the editor of Whole Person Healthcare (2007, 3 vol., Praeger), over 100 chapters and articles on body, art and psychotherapy, and is on the editorial boards of PsycCritiques, the American Dance Therapy Journal, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Arts & Health: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, Journal of Applied Arts and Health, and The Humanistic Psychologist. In 2019, she received the Rollo May award from APA’s Society for Humanistic Studies, and the California Psychological Association Distinguished Humanitarian Contribution award.


Ilene A . Serlin,博士,BC-DMT,注册心理学家,注册舞蹈/运动治疗师,当前在旧金山和马林县开展实践。她是旧金山心理学会前任会长,美国心理学会会员,人本主义心理学分会前任会长。Ilene Serlin是加州整合研究所的著名心理学副教授,曾任教于塞布鲁克大学、莱斯利大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、纽约格式塔研究所和苏黎世的荣格研究所。她是《全人健康》的编辑(2007、第3卷,Praeger),发表超过100篇关于身体、艺术和心理治疗的文章,她也是《PsycCritiques》的编辑委员会成员,《美国舞蹈治疗》杂志,《人本主义心理学》杂志,《艺术与健康:研究,政策和实践国际期刊》,《应用艺术和健康》杂志,《人本主义心理学家》的编委。2019年,她获得了APA人本主义研究协会的罗洛·梅奖,以及加州心理协会杰出人道主义贡献奖。

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