IACAET launch ‘Research and the Arts’ Series

Dec 10, 2021. IACAET has recently launched a new Global Webinar series ‘Research and the Arts’. Research and the Arts is an integral component towards advancing and serving the field of creative arts in education, therapy, health and community. At the very core of this field of inquiry is the place that art in research methodologies has to further our understanding of complex issues we face in society today. This approach is in line with our mission at the International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET), and our belief that the aesthetic and creative use of art, integrated with body-mind-spirit, are essential for individual and collective well-being, social change and the advancement of humanity and our planet.

This series will present cutting edge research ideas, projects and methodologies that are taking place in our world today and will highlight the opportunities and challenges they encompass. We are pleased to present leaders and pioneers in the field who will address key aspects of using art in research, their philosophical approaches and foundations, fundamental ideas and also controversies that arise from such research approaches. This series is intended to be thought-provoking and accessible to all – researchers, practitioners, educators, community workers and students. We hope to learn from each other, and to inspire one another to reach new questions, share the joy of inquiry and above all ‘to make the art’ that becomes the research.

Save the Dates

Part 1. ‘From Therapeutic Factors to Mechanisms of Change in the Creative Arts Therapies: A Discussion of findings from a Scoping Review’  –  January 9, 2022

Part 2.  ‘Art-Based Research: The Art of Using Art as a Primary Mode of Inquiry – Honoring the work of Shaun McNiff’  –  February 13, 2022

Part 3.  ‘Arts-Based Embodiment in Leadership in Education (ABE)’  –  March 13, 2022

Part 4.  ‘The 4 Pillars of Research and the Arts: An encounter between Performance as Research (PaR), Art-based Research (ABR), Arts Informed Research (AIR) & Artistic Research (AR)’-  Spring 2022


Part 5.  Spring 2022 –  Launch of our first Zoom Peer-Study Group on Art-based Research –  a ‘hands on’ and ‘how-to’ collegial study group that will engage in conceptualizing and carrying out various ABR projects.

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