Photo Essay: Intimate Representations of Displacement

Keywords: intimacy, displacement, photo essay, World War III, reflective art

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2024) 10(1):4–20 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2024/10/11

Photo Essay: Intimate Representations of Displacement


This photo essay is a poignant collection of artistic expressions that reflect the emotional impact of displacement in the context of World War III. Through a series of impressionistic paintings and poetic representations, the author invites readers to witness the resilience and defiance found in artistic expression during turbulent times. The essay captures a contemplative journey over the past nine months, shedding light on the quiet, intimate moments amidst chaos and turmoil. Each painting and portrayal in this collection offers a glimpse into the emotional response to global crises, weaving together darkness and glimmers of hope. As viewers immerse themselves in this evocative essay, they are prompted to reflect on the power of art as a form of resilience in the face of adversity.

Keywords: intimacy, displacement, photo essay, World War III, reflective art



关键词: 亲密关系, 位移, 摄影随笔, 第三次世界大战, 反光艺术


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Lev, M. (2024). Photo Essay: Intimate Representations of Displacement. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 4 - 20. Retrieved from

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