Review: James Miller, China’s Green Revolution: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future
Daoism, ecology, wu-wei, cultivating the Dao, somaesthetics, poiesisArticle Information
Creative Arts Educ Ther (2019) 5(2):113–116 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2019/5/24
Review: James Miller, China’s Green Revolution: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future
书评: 詹姆士.米勒,
This review outlines Miller’s argument that the Daoist tradition offers an important perspective for ecological thought based on the pervasion of nature in human existence and the porosity of the human body. Somatic practices can build a basis for the aesthetic perception necessary for ecological action. The reviewer suggests that there is a possible convergence between Daoism and the thinking of poiesis that shows the importance of the creative and expressive arts in ecological theory and practice.
Keywords: Daoism, ecology, wu-wei, cultivating the Dao, somaesthetics, poiesis
这篇书评概括了米勒的论点,他认为道家传统基于人体与自然互通互联,互相依存的观点, 为生态观提供了重要的思考角度。践行修身为生态行为所需的美学感知建立了基础。评论家提出道家思想和(古希腊)”创造”的观点可能有异曲同工之处,表明了创造性和表达性艺术在生态理论和实践中的重要性。
关键词: 道家思想,生态学,无为,修道,身体美学, 创造