Annie Heiderscheit, PhD

Professor, Director
Cambridge Institute of Music Therapy Research, UK
Editorial Board Member

Dr. Annie Heiderscheit is Professor of Music Therapy and Director of the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research, Anglia Ruskin University. She has over 20 years of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and over 30 years of clinical experience in a variety of healthcare and clinical settings. She has served in various leadership positions in the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) including president, past president, and editor of Music Therapy Today. She has also served as chair of communications for the International Association of Music and Medicine (IAMM). She frequently lectures and presents internationally and nationally and has published extensively on her clinical work and research in over 25 chapters books and numerous peer reviewed journals. She has authored chapters on music therapy in eating disorder treatment, addictions, depression, spirituality, guided imagery and music, and surgical and procedural support. She edited a book entitled, The Creative Arts Therapies in Eating Disorder Treatment (2016), co-authored Introduction to Music Therapy Practice (2018), Composition Methods in Music Therapy Practice (2022), and edited Clinical decision-making in music therapy: Case studies (2023). Dr. Heiderscheit also serves on the editorial boards of various peer-reviewed journals including Music Therapy PerspectivesCreative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Music and Medicine, Trends in Alternative & Complementary Medicine and regularly reviews articles for various peer-reviewed journals.

Annie Heidertscheit 博士(英国):Anglia Ruskin大学音乐治疗教授兼剑桥音乐治疗研究所所长。 她拥有 20 多年教授本科生和研究生课程的经验,以及 30 多年在各种医疗保健和临床环境中的临床经验。 她曾在世界音乐治疗联合会 (WFMT) 担任过各种领导职务,包括前主席和《今日音乐治疗》编辑。 她还担任国际音乐与医学协会 (IAMM) 的通讯主席。 她经常在国际和国内演讲和演讲,并在超过 25 章的书籍和众多同行评审期刊中发表了大量关于她的临床工作和研究的文章。 她撰写了关于饮食失调治疗、成瘾、抑郁、灵性、引导意象和音乐以及手术和程序支持方面的音乐疗法的章节。 她编辑了《饮食失调治疗中的创艺治疗》(2016 年),合著了《音乐治疗实践简介》(2018 年)、《音乐治疗实践中的作曲方法》(2022 年),并编辑了《音乐治疗中的临床决策》: 案例研究(2023)。 Heiderscheit 博士还担任各种同行评审期刊的编辑委员会成员,包括《音乐治疗观点》、《CAET创造性艺术教育与治疗-东西方视角》、《音乐与医学》、《替代与补充医学趋势》,并定期审阅各种同行评审期刊的文章。

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