Tony Yu Zhou, PhD

Founder, Director
Inspirees Institute, China
Executive Editor, EEC

Dr. Zhou holds a doctoral degree in biomedicine and has been working and living in China and Europe for many years.  He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Inspirees Education Group(Netherlands/China). Though trained as a scientist, he has been greatly intrigued by modern dance and dance therapy since 2002 and has played an important role in driving the development of dance therapy and creative arts therapies in China.  Dr. Zhou serves on an international advisory board for the journal Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. He founded Inspirees Institute and Creative Arts Education and Therapy (CAET) – Eastern and Western Perspectives, the international open access journal. He is also a certified movement analyst (CMA) trained by LIMS in New York. Dr. Zhou is the team leader for the Chinese Group of Arts Therapy, Chinese Psychological Society, Guest Professor of Beijing Normal University, Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts, Co-founder and core member of the World Alliance of Dance Movement Therapy (WADMT). He is the founding member and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET).

Orcid ID

周宇,博士,生物医学博士,舞蹈治疗及拉班动作分析专家,中国心理学会注册督导师。中央美术学院设计学院艺术治疗硕士生导师。北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院,南京特殊教育师范学院客座教授及舞蹈治疗学科建设顾问,上海体育学院科研顾问,中国心理学会/临床与心理咨询专业委员会/艺术治疗学组组长。国际创造性艺术教育与治疗协会(IACAET)初创成员及秘书长。世界舞蹈治疗联盟(WADMT)和亚洲舞蹈治疗联盟创始成员。国际学术期刊CAETCreative Arts Education and Therapy – Eastern and Western Perspectives《创造性艺术治疗及教育-东西方视角》)创刊人和主编,荷兰亿派教育集团创始人及CEO。1995年毕业于中国医学科学院/北京协和医科大学。2006年获得生物医学博士学位(荷兰Delft University of Technology)。之后受训于美国舞蹈治疗协会(ADTA)职业认证体系, 美国拉班/芭特妮芙动作研究院(LIMS )在中国大陆培养的首位动作分析师,LIMS国际动作分析认证培训项目(中国)负责人。2005年将舞蹈治疗引入中国并在2010年建立了中国第一个依照ADTA标准的舞蹈治疗连续培训项目。国际学术期刊Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy《身体及舞动心理治疗》国际学术顾问委员会委员。2014年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《艺术治疗及其在艺术教育视野下的实践研究》课题组成员及专家顾问。2024年,他作为中方培训项目总监,将表达性艺术治疗从美国引入中国,开始培养中国第一批本土专业人才。业余时间,他在业余排球俱乐部担任二传,并采用拉班芭特尼芙动作分析体系对排球队进行训练和指导。

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