Phil Jones, PhD

University College London, UK
Editorial Board Member

Phil Jones is Professor of Children’s Rights and Wellbeing at UCL’s Institute of Education and was Director of Research, School of Education, at the University of Leeds. He was recently awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and was a Mellon Distinguished Scholar at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Publications include ‘Drama As Therapy’ (Routledge), ‘The Arts Therapies’ (Routledge), ‘Rethinking  Childhood:  Attitudes  in  Contemporary  Society’  (Continuum);  ‘Rethinking   Children’s Rights’ (with Welch, Bloomsbury); ‘Exploring Education and Childhood’ (with Wyse, Davis and Rogers, Routledge) and he is editor of Bloomsbury’s ‘New Childhoods’ Series. Research articles have been published in many journals including the ‘European Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy’, ‘Research in Drama Education’, ‘Counselling and Psychotherapy Research’, ‘The Arts in Psychotherapy’ and ‘Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy’.   He has given keynotes in many countries including South Africa, South Korea, the U.S.A., Italy, Greece, the Netherlands and the prestigious Triennial  World Congress for Psychotherapy, Sydney, Australia.

菲尔琼斯是伦敦大学教育学院的教授,也是利兹大学教育学院研究主任。他是最近英国皇家艺术协会(RSA)的获奖者,并且是约翰内斯堡威特沃特斯兰德大学的梅隆杰出学者。出版物包括“戏剧治疗”(Routledge),“艺术治疗”(Routledge),“反思童年:当代社会的态度”(Continuum); “重新思考儿童权利”(与Welch,Bloomsbury); ‘探索教育和童年’(Routledge),他是布卢姆斯伯里的“新童年”系列的编辑。他的研究论文已在很多期刊上发表,包括“欧洲心理咨询与治疗学报”、“戏剧教育研究”、“心理咨询与治疗研究”、“心理治疗中的艺术运用”和“心理治疗中的身体、运动和舞蹈”。他在南非、韩国、美国、意大利、希腊、荷兰等许多国家的大会上发表了主题演讲,包括在澳大利亚悉尼举办了著名的三年一次的世界心理治疗大会。

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