Laury Rappaport, Ph.D

Expressive Therapies Division, Lesley University
Editorial Board Member

Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., MFT, ATR-BC, REAT  is the author of Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy: Accessing the Body’s Wisdom and Creative Intelligence; editor/author of Mindfulness and the Arts Therapies: Theory and Practice; and numerous book chapters and journal articles.  Laury has been on the faculty of the Expressive Therapies Division at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA for over 35 years, where she was the Academic Coordinator of their International Expressive Arts Therapies programs. Laury has also served as Associate Professor at Notre Dame de Namur University, and been on the faculties at Sonoma State, Meridian University, Cambridge College, and California Institute of Integral Studies.  Laury also developed a Mind-Body program integrating the expressive arts and mindfulness Program  at Five Branches University— a Chinese Medicine and acupuncture school in California.

Laury is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA), Board Certified Art Therapist with the American Art Therapy Association (ATR-BC), Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT) with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, and a Certifying Coordinator, Focusing-Oriented Therapist and Trainer with The International Focusing Institute. Laury has extensive clinical experience in wide variety of settings and  currently has a private practice in Santa Rosa, CA.

Laury Rappaport著有《聚焦艺术疗法:获取身体的智慧与创造智能》,也是《正念与艺术疗法:理论与实践》的编辑/作者,以及许多书籍章节和期刊文章的作者。Laury在剑桥莱斯利大学的表达性艺术治疗部门工作了35年,她是国际表达性艺术治疗项目的学术协调员。Laury还曾在诺特丹大学担任副教授,并在索诺玛州立大学、默里迪恩大学、剑桥学院和加州综合研究所任教。Laury还在加州的五所分校(一所中医和针灸学校)开发了一套结合了表达性艺术治疗和正念的身心课程。


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