Invitation to Join CAET Review Board

Dear colleagues,

We are reaching out to invite you to join the review board of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET) – Eastern and Western Perspectives (, an internationally renowned journal indexed in SCOPUS and DOAJ.

CAET is dedicated to advancing research and practice in the applications of the creative and expressive arts and is looking for passionate and qualified reviewers to contribute to this mission. Articles published in CAET focus on the broad uses and applications of the creative and expressive arts in education, therapy, health, and communities. Research in the arts can include art-based, mixed-methods, quantitative, qualitative, theoretical, historical, cultural, and other creative methodologies.

Since its establishment in 2015, CAET has published over 300 open-access articles, which are distributed to over 8,000 institutions around the world. We recommend reading the full articles online to understand the journal’s unique style. 

Becoming a reviewer for CAET is a rewarding opportunity to engage with innovative research, support fellow professionals, and contribute to the field’s ongoing development. We value your expertise and would be honored to have you in our review community.

If you are interested in joining our reviewer team, we kindly ask you to complete a brief online survey. This will help us better understand your areas of expertise and match relevant submissions for you.

We look forward to receiving your response, and thank you for considering this opportunity!

Warm regards,

CAET Executive Editorial Committee (EEC)

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