Hsiao-hua Chang, PhD

National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Editorial Board Member

Hsiao-hua Chang, Full Professor of National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Drama. He is the Convener of curriculum guideline committee in Ministry of Education, Taiwan. He has, worked for several important governmental education projects includingpolicies were: 12-year Civic Basic Education Curriculum Guideline of Arts Domain in Performing Arts; Technique High School Curriculum Guideline of Arts Domain; High School Curriculum Guideline of Arts and Living Course; Performing arts for the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guideline of Arts and Humanities Domain. Professor Chang is also the part time faculty for National Taiwan Normal University, National Taipei Education University, Taipei Municipal University.

張曉華是國立台灣藝術大學戲劇系教授。他曾经服務台灣教育部,擔任課程綱要召集人工作,包括12年國民基本教育藝術領域表演藝術課程綱要, 技術型高中藝術群課程綱要, 高中藝術生活科課程綱要, 九年一貫藝術與人文領域表演藝術課程綱要。他同时是國立台灣師範大學、台北教育大學、台北市立大學兼任教授

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