Giselle Ruzany, PhD

Adjunct Lecturer of Dance
George Washington University, USA
Editorial Board Member

Giselle Ruzany Ph.D. is a Brazilian American artist, choreographer, and psychotherapist. She is currently working as a full-time dance professor at the Corcoran School of Arts and Design. She has a master in Somatic Psychology with a concentration in Dance/Movement Therapy from Naropa University, advanced post-graduate certifications in Gestalt Therapy and EMDR, and a Ph.D. in Expressive Arts Therapy from Lesley University. She works through embodied movement research and is interested in how the somatic world informs psychology and dance. She is a published writer and has presented workshops and performed dance works all over the world. Her personal mission is to co-create embodied relational connection through artistic collaboration, promoting equanimity and inclusivity, and being an ally to all nationalities, race, gender, sexual orientation, body ability, and divergence. For more information about her psychotherapy practice, go to

Contributions to CAET

2022 Engaging with Doctoral Work during the Pandemic Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), 2022 –

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