Debra Kalmanowitz, PhD

The Academic College of Society and the Arts, Israel
Co-Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Dr Debra KALMANOWITZ, PhD, HCPC, BAAT reg. art therapist and artist with extensive experiences in the context of humanitarian aid, disaster relief, trauma, resilience, political violence, refugees and social change. She held positions at the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture, London and Christian Action, Hong Kong where she worked with refugees. She is currently a practicing artist and art therapist, a lecturer at the Academic College of Society and the Arts (ASA), co editor in chief of the Journal CAET (Creative Art in Education. Eastern and Western Perspectives) and a psychosocial Facilitator for the international non-government organization (NGO), IsraAid. She is the co-author of The Portable Studio, Art Therapy and Political Violence: With art, without illusion and Art Therapy in Asia: To the Bone or Wrapped in Silk.

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