Cheng Yang

Associate Professor
Shanghai Maritime University, China
Editorial Board Member

Cheng Yang, director and associate professor of art education center of Shanghai Maritime University. Master degree from Shanghai Normal University Conservatory of Music dance education major. At present, she is also a special professor of Shanghai Zhenghe Research Center. She has published many papers on marine art and belief. She is the first scholar in domestic universities to study marine culture and belief from the
perspective of dance art. At the same time, she is also the Board member of IACAET (International Association of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy) China committee, focusing on dance healing and ecological healing interaction and combination of further pioneering research and contribution.

程扬,中国高等教育委员会美育分会理事,国际创艺教育与治疗协会(IACAET)中国分会理事,上海郑和研究中心教授,九三学社上海市妇女委员,中国舞蹈家协会会员  ,上海市礼仪指导专家 ,复旦大学舞蹈人类学学者,英国曼彻斯特大学舞蹈研究学者,浦东文化名人,美国杨百翰大学舞蹈教育研究学者,上海海事大学艺术教育中心主任,SMU 舞蹈团艺术总监。

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