Catherine Maguire

Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS)
Editorial Board Member

Catherine (Cat) Maguire is a movement educator, dance artist, Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME), and a master teacher of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS). Cat has taught and co-coordinated Movement Analysis Certification Programs in the US, Europe, Mexico and China. Cat is also a collaborator and consultant for the Robotics, Automation and Dance (RAD) Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign under the direction of Dr. Amy LaViers where she works with roboticists on embodied movement training and analysis to support the development of expressive robotic systems.

After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Wesleyan University with honors in dance and psychology, she was the artistic director of Offspring Dance Company in New York City and the founder and head of the dance program at Drew University in Madison, NJ. While executive director of Piedmont Council of the Arts in Charlottesville, Cat continued to teach, choreograph and perform throughout Central Virginia and internationally. She was assistant professor of dance at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC), and an integral part of the development and implementation of the associate’s degree in dance, the only one of its kind in the Virginia Community College System.

Cat is a member of WholeMovement, a coterie of Movement Analysts working together to promote the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System globally by optimizing movement through training and re-patterning.

Catherine (Cat) Maguire是一位动作教育家、舞蹈艺术家、注册动作分析师(CMA)、注册身心动作教育家(RSME)、Laban/Bartenieff动作体系(LBMS)的资深教师。Cat在美国、欧洲、墨西哥和中国教授并协调认证动作分析项目。Cat也是伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校(UIUC)机器人、自动化与舞蹈(RAD)实验室的合作者和顾问。该实验室由Amy LaViers博士指导,她与机器人专家合作,进行具身化动作训练和分析,以支持表达型机器人系统的开发。

从卫斯理大学Phi Beta Kappa荣誉协会以优异的成绩获得舞蹈和心理学学位后,她成为纽约市Offspring舞团的艺术总监,也是新泽西州麦迪逊德鲁大学舞蹈项目的创始人和负责人。在担任夏洛茨维尔皮埃蒙特艺术理事会(Piedmont Council of the Arts)执行董事期间,Cat继续在弗吉尼亚中部和国际舞台上教书、编舞和表演。她是弗吉尼亚州皮埃蒙特社区学院(PVCC)的舞蹈助理教授,这是发展和完善舞蹈副学士学位的重要组成部分,这是弗吉尼亚社区学院里唯一的舞蹈副学士学位。


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