Dramatherapy, Tai Chi & Embodiment


  • Clive Holmwood


Dramatherapy, Drama Therapy, Tai Chi, Embodiment, Chinese Philosophy, Comparison, Eastern, Western, Perspective. Martial Art, Yin, Yang, 戏剧治疗, 太极, 具身化, 中国哲学, 东西方视角, 武术, 阴阳

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2015) 1(1):63–75DOI: 10.15534/CAET/2015/1/8

Dramatherapy, Tai Chi & Embodiment


Clive Holmwood

University of Derby, UK


This paper will consider potential theoretical, philosophical and pragmatic connections between Dramatherapy (Jones, 1996) and Tai Chi (Zheng, Lo & Inn, 1985); I will specifically consider these connections from the Western perspective of embodiment (Shaw, 2003, Jones, 1996). Dramatherapy is a creative drama based psychological therapy. Tai Chi is an ancient form of martial art. Both approaches use movement and from a Western perspective that ‘embodiment’ could be central to both disciplines. I am interested in how embodiment through movement is a potential connection between these two seemingly very different disciplines, and how these may offer shared knowledge.

I will acknowledge that the two disciplines come from very different backgrounds and philosophies and recognise that it is impossible not to generalise in a short article such as this. The aim is to compare and contrast these two disciplines based on my empirical experience of them. As a European trained Dramatherapist I approach this paper from a Western perspective, acknowledging the differing opinions and viewpoints between Eastern and Western philosophies and practice. The aim is to begin to consider some synthesis between a Western creative based therapy and an Eastern form of martial art; acknowledging that both use movement at their core.





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Holmwood, C. (2015). Dramatherapy, Tai Chi & Embodiment. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), 1(1), Pages 63 – 75. Retrieved from https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/9




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