Poetry in Peer Groups to Reduce Suicide in a Latin American Context



  • Felipe Agudelo-Hernández Universidad de Manizales, Faculty of Health Sciences, Colombia
  • Mariana Rojas Echeverry Universidad de Caldas, Faculty of Health Sciences, Colombia
  • Matías Mejía Chaves Universidad de Caldas, Faculty of Health Sciences, Colombia


self-help group, art therapy, mental health, suicide adolescents

Article Information

The objective of this study was to determine the impact on the reduction of mental health problems in adolescents who participate in support groups with poetry, those who participate in groups with other methodologies, and those who do not participate in support groups. This community trial, which performed in 2021, included 1252 adolescents, of whom 171 showed suicidal risk. Three groups were formed: a support group where poetry was included among the methods, a support group that worked on crafts, and a control group that did not participate in support groups. Greater recovery occurred in adolescents who participated in poetry. Recovery strategies can include artistic elements in their methodologies to increase effectiveness.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Rojas Echeverry, Universidad de Caldas, Faculty of Health Sciences, Colombia

Medical from the University of Caldas. She forms humanitarian aid groups in the mental health division. She leads a poetry support group in the city of Manizales.

Matías Mejía Chaves, Universidad de Caldas, Faculty of Health Sciences, Colombia

Leader Mutual Aid Group “Manizales Elige la Vida”, he works in a rural area, where she writes poetry and leads community health strategies. Person with lived experience in mental health.




Cite this article

Agudelo-Hernández, F., Rojas Echeverry, M., & Mejía Chaves, M. (2024). Poetry in Peer Groups to Reduce Suicide in a Latin American Context: 拉丁美洲诗歌干预同辈团体对减少自杀的研究. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), 221 – 234. Retrieved from https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/506


