A Participatory Approach to Uniting the Multiple Agendas of Social Arts




social arts, social arts evaluation, social work, evaluation strategies

Article Information

Within rapid global social change and societies becoming ever more diverse, fluid, and divided, the social arts can contribute to maintaining a unified, tolerant, and coherent society. Social arts are often initiated by different stakeholders committed to health, therapy, political action, and/or social change. These are hard to typify and characterize and thus hard to evaluate. This article presents an overview of multiple theories and perspectives in the social arts and suggests how to incorporate them into an evaluative model preserving perspectives and goals of these different stakeholders. We propose a definition of social arts followed by an analysis in the context of fine arts, psychology, and social theories. Next, the challenges of researching and evaluating social arts initiatives are discussed, followed by potential pathways and instruments for assessment. This presentation of frameworks, challenges, and methods may lead to further research on social arts initiatives and their impact on society.


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Author Biographies

Eltje Bos, Amsterdam Centre for Societal Innovation, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

Eltje Bos is emeritus Professor of Cultural and Social Dynamics, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) as well as a drama teacher. Her recent research includes: Impact of the Arts in Social work; Art based Research; Citizens/civil engagement in fieldlabs in neighborhoods using art based interventions, social entrepreneurship and refugees. She is a participant in running Erasmus+ project PiCs on storytelling and pictures to connect groups of youngsters. Together with Ephrat Huss, she edited the books: Art in Social Work Practice (Routledge 2018); Social Work Research Using Art Based Methods (Policy Press 2022); Using Art for Social Transformation (Routledge 2023).

Ephrat Huss, Department of Social Work, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

 Professor Ephrat Huss chairs an MA in Art Therapy at Ben-Gurion University in Israel. She has published over 80 articles and 6 books on art therapy and arts-based research within social contexts. She has received competitive grants, recently on social arts, and given plenary lectures at art therapy conferences. On the Board of Efat, the European Social Worker Association, she also runs a SIG on social arts in the European Social Work Association. Her most recent books edited with Eltje Bos include: Social Work Research Using Art Based Methods (Policy Press 2022); Using Art for Social Transformation (Routledge 2023).



Cite this article

Bos, E., & Huss, E. (2024). A Participatory Approach to Uniting the Multiple Agendas of Social Arts: 如何以参与性的方式结合社会艺术的多种目标 . Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), 253 – 267. Retrieved from https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/469


