What are the Affordances of Arts-Based Workshops with Refugee Women and Girls?

  • Sarah Skyrme University of Manchester School of Health Sciences, Manchester, UK
  • Susan Hogan University of Derby, Derby, UK; Professorial Fellow, Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK
Keywords: female refugees and arts, social justice and art interventions, arts and gender, arts and female health, women’s empowerment and art

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2022) 8(2):173–184 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2022/8/12

What are the Affordances of Arts-Based Workshops with Refugee Women and Girls?


This article explores the particular benefits of arts-based interventions with refugee women and girls and the potentialities for enhancing social justice. This truncated review of literature makes reference to arts-based communication, notions of female empowerment, symbolism and metaphor, and expressions of identity and agency and then moves on to explore a number of primarily participatory arts-based interventions with women and girl refugees, looking at the particular affordances yielded.

Keywords: female refugees and arts, social justice and art interventions, arts and gender, arts and female health, women’s empowerment and art.





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Skyrme, S., & Hogan, S. (2022). What are the Affordances of Arts-Based Workshops with Refugee Women and Girls?. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 173 - 184. Retrieved from https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/405