A Making Conversation


  • Stacey Bush The MIECAT Institute, Australia
  • Amanda Woodford The MIECAT Institute, Australia


multi-modality, emergent inquiry, arts making, therapeutic arts practice

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2018) 4(2):174–189 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2018/4/27

A Making Conversation


In this paper we aim to demonstrate an approach to multi-modal arts making in a therapeutic arts practice. It is based on the teaching of ‘Multi-modality’, a Master’s subject at The MIECAT Institute, in Melbourne, Australia. The focus of this subject is to describe interactions with materials and facilitate an emergent embodied engagement with tools, materials and arts making. By engaging in a similar process ourselves and presenting it here, our hope is to give an evocative sense of the kind of emergent inquiry we facilitate for our students– an emergent inquiry process of arts making that can create the basis of rich and meaningful inquiry into lived experience.


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Bush, S., & Woodford, A. (2018). A Making Conversation. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 174 – 189. Retrieved from https://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/156


