A warm welcome to CAET editorial board members

CAET is glad to announce its expanding editorial board with a warm welcome to Professor James Miller, Dr. Laury Rappaport, KK Lai and Catherine Maguire. Till now, CAET has 55 editorial board members.

James Miller is the inaugural Professor of Humanities at Duke Kunshan University, Chair of the Arts and Humanities Division, and co-director of the DKU Humanities Research Center . Prior to his appointment at Duke Kunshan, Dr. Miller served as the director of the interdisciplinary graduate program in cultural studies, and as the director of the School of Religion, at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.  Dr. Miller’s research is based in the study of Chinese philosophy, theology, and religion, with an emphasis on philosophy of nature, environmental ethics, and the intersection of religion and ecology in China. He is known worldwide as a scholar of Daoism, China’s indigenous religion, and especially its relation to ecology. He has published six books including, most recently, China’s Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future (Columbia 2017).

Laury Rappaport, Ph.D., MFT, ATR-BC, REAT  is the author of Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy: Accessing the Body’s Wisdom and Creative Intelligence; editor/author of Mindfulness and the Arts Therapies: Theory and Practice; and numerous book chapters and journal articles.  Laury has been on the faculty of the Expressive Therapies Division at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA for over 35 years, where she was the Academic Coordinator of their International Expressive Arts Therapies programs. Laury has also served as Associate Professor at Notre Dame de Namur University, and been on the faculties at Sonoma State, Meridian University, Cambridge College, and California Institute of Integral Studies.  Laury also developed a Mind-Body program integrating the expressive arts and mindfulness Program  at Five Branches University— a Chinese Medicine and acupuncture school in California. Laury is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA), Board Certified Art Therapist with the American Art Therapy Association (ATR-BC), Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT) with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, and a Certifying Coordinator, Focusing-Oriented Therapist and Trainer with The International Focusing Institute. Laury has extensive clinical experience in wide variety of settings and  currently has a private practice in Santa Rosa, CA.

KK is the founding director of Kunst EXA Training and Consulting. Kunst is a member of The International Network of Expressive Arts Therapy Training Centers that interconnects institutes in North America, Latin America, Europe and Middle East. KK has more than 20 years of converging experiences of art/art education/art therapy/expressive arts in the creative enterprises. Since 1998, he was involved in Hong Kong government projects to promote creative arts education in numerous secondary schools. Beginning in 2003, KK has been integrating expressive arts and therapy/consulting through serving in various non-governmental agencies. As an associate fellow of the Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association, a registered art therapist and registered expressive arts therapist, he has been serving special need children, youth and families, mental health patients and dementia elderly. KK is currently a faculty member of the European Graduate School where he teaches and supervises students of the master program.

Catherine (Cat) Maguire is a movement educator, dance artist, Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME), and a master teacher of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS). Cat has taught and co-coordinated Movement Analysis Certification Programs in the US, Europe, Mexico and China. Cat is also a collaborator and consultant for the Robotics, Automation and Dance (RAD) Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign under the direction of Dr. Amy LaViers where she works with roboticists on embodied movement training and analysis to support the development of expressive robotic systems. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Wesleyan University with honors in dance and psychology, she was the artistic director of Offspring Dance Company in New York City and the founder and head of the dance program at Drew University in Madison, NJ. While executive director of Piedmont Council of the Arts in Charlottesville, Cat continued to teach, choreograph and perform throughout Central Virginia and internationally. She was assistant professor of dance at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC), and an integral part of the development and implementation of the associate’s degree in dance, the only one of its kind in the Virginia Community College System. Cat is a member of WholeMovement, a coterie of Movement Analysts working together to promote the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System globally by optimizing movement through training and re-patterning.

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