Ka Kit (KK) Lai, PhD

European Graduate School, Switzerland
Editorial Board Member

KK is the founding director of Kunst EXA Training and Consulting. Kunst is a member of The International Network of Expressive Arts Therapy Training Centers that interconnects institutes in North America, Latin America, Europe and Middle East. KK has more than 20 years of converging experiences of art/art education/art therapy/expressive arts in the creative enterprises. Since 1998, he was involved in Hong Kong government projects to promote creative arts education in numerous secondary schools. Beginning in 2003, KK has been integrating expressive arts and therapy/consulting through serving in various non-governmental agencies. As an associate fellow of the Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association, a registered art therapist and registered expressive arts therapist, he has been serving special need children, youth and families, mental health patients and dementia elderly. KK is currently a faculty member of the European Graduate School where he teaches and supervises students of the master program.

黎家傑先生 (香港) : 黎先生乃Kunst EXA Training and Consulting的創立人。 Kunst為表達藝術治療國際聯網(連繫世界各地如南美洲、拉丁美洲、歐洲及中東的表達藝術治療教育者)的認證成員。他有超過二十年整合創意工業、藝術、藝術教育、治療與生活的經驗。自1998年開始,黎先生協助香港政府於學校推廣創意藝術教育。自2003年至今他開始專注於將表達藝術和治療/諮詢結合,服務不同的非牟利機構。作為註冊藝術治療師, 註冊表逹藝術治療師和專業輔導員協會的副院士,黎先生在世界各地運用表達藝術治療模式服務兒童、青少年、長者及精神復康人士。黎先生現任歐洲硏究院European Graduate School表達藝術治療碩士班的講師及實習和論文督導。

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