Dr Clive Holmwood PhD is a UK registered Dramatherapist with over 20 years’ experience who has worked with children and adults in the public, private and voluntary sectors. He is currently Senior Lecturer in Dramatherapy and Creative Expressive Therapies at the University of Derby and a Director of Creative Solutions Therapy Ltd. He gained his PhD from the University of Warwick in Education, and his thesis was published by Routledge in (2014) as Drama Education and Dramatherapy – exploring the space between disciplines. He is also the co-editor of The International Handbook of Dramatherapy published by Routledge in 2016. His latest work Taylor, J. Holmwood, C. (eds) (2018) Learning as a Creative and Developmental Process in Higher Education: A Therapeutic Arts Approach and its Wider Applications will be published later this year.
Clive Holmwood University of Derby United Kingdom
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