Clive Holmwood, PhD

Associate Professor
University of Derby, UK
Editorial Board member

Dr. Clive Holmwood is the Associate Professor in the Discipline of Therapeutic Arts within the School of Arts, in the College of Arts, Humanities and Education at the University of Derby. He teaches on the Post-graduate MA Dramatherapy with responsibility for clinical supervision and theory & research modules. He has a 25 year career as a dramatherapist, works in private practice and has written and edited various books and articles in this field. Clive also teaches on the BA (Hons) Creative Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing Degree Programme with responsibility for personal tutorship and specialist drama modules. He is also a Senior Researcher within the College with an interest in interdisciplinary practice, drama education, developmental play and dramatherapy and arts in health. Clive supervises doctorial students.

Orcid ID 

Clive Holmwood博士是英国注册戏剧治疗师,拥有超过20年的从业经验,曾在公共、私人和志愿机构与儿童和成年人一起工作过。他目前担任德比大学戏剧治疗和创造表达性治疗的高级讲师,同时也是创意治疗有限公司的董事。他在英国华威大学获得了教育学博士学位。其毕业论文《戏剧教育和戏剧治疗 – 探索学科之间的空间》,在2014年由Routledge出版社发表。他还是2016年由Routledge出版的《国际戏剧治疗手册》的编辑之一。他的最新作品《学习作为高等教育中的创意和发展过程:治疗性艺术方法及其更广泛的应用》将于今年下半年出版。

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