Cathy A. Malchiodi, PhD

Director, President
Art Therapy Without Borders, United States
Editorial Board Member

Dr. Cathy A. MALCHIODI, PhD. (US): Board-Certified and Licensed Professional Art Therapist, Founder, Director and Lead Faculty for the Trauma-Informed Practices and Expressive Arts Therapy Institute and President of Art Therapy Without Borders.

Cathy A. MALCHIODI博士(美国):督导级别高级认证艺术治疗师,认证临床咨询师,心理学家。创伤治疗及表达性艺术治疗学院(美国)主任及首席培训师。著名心理专业Guilford 出版社《创造性艺术治疗与游戏治疗》系列的主编。她在世界许多国际组织担任重要职务,美国最为流行的杂志和网站《Psychology Today今日心理学》的特约专家作者,涵盖艺术与健康的各类话题。她的个人博客自2008年以来已经有250万的浏览量,使她成为了全球受到最多关注的艺术治疗师。

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