Studio Art Therapy Learning Ecology: Crossing Borders between Art, Education, Health, and Therapy

Keywords: Deleuzoguattarian philosophy, studio art therapy, arts-based methods, arts health, art therapy, medical humanities, body and meaning

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2024) 10(1):41–62 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2024/10/2

Studio Art Therapy Learning Ecology: Crossing Borders between Art, Education, Health, and Therapy


Studio Art Therapy is a unique learning ecology with border crossings between visual arts therapies and art studio practice, education, and health. The increased fluidity between research and practice spaces, art therapy, and arts health are elaborated as a concept, theorized with the western Deleuzoguattarian philosophy. Connections and differentiations between art making and art as therapy are revealed in a discussion of an empirical research project Art, Visual Narrative, and Wellbeing Project (AVNAW). Studio art therapy focuses on body, meaning, and healing. It speaks to the value of people making art, reflecting and talking about their making processes alone and together through an autoethnographic visual narrative approach to artmaking. The paper asks how studio visual artmaking can activate individual productive desire to adapt toward becoming well through artmaking. Care, community, belonging, and resilience are core to a studio art therapy learning ecology that responds to real-life experiences in the support of personal care and wellbeing.

Keywords: Deleuzoguattarian philosophy, studio art therapy, arts-based methods, arts health, art therapy, medical humanities, body and meaning


工作室艺术治疗是一种独特的学习生态,它跨越了视觉艺术治疗与艺术工作室实践、教育和健康之间的边界。本文以西方德勒祖古哲学为理论基础阐述研究和实践空间、艺术治疗和艺术健康之间的流动性的增强。通过对实证研究项目 "艺术、视觉叙事和安康项目" (AVNAW) 的讨论,本文揭示艺术创作和艺术治疗之间的联系和区别。工作室艺术治疗侧重于身体、意义和愈合。通过自述式视觉叙事的艺术创作方法,工作室艺术治疗强调从事艺术创作和(独自以及和他人)反思与谈论其创作过程的价值。本文亦问到如何使用工作室视觉艺术创作激活个人的富有成效的渴望,使其选择健康的生活。关怀、社区、归属感和复原力是工作室艺术治疗学习生态的核心。在现实生活中,这种学习生态以个人关怀和安康的支持作出了回应。

关键词: 德勒兹古阿塔哲学, 工作室艺术治疗, 艺术本位方式, 艺术健康, 艺术治疗, 医学人文, 身体与意义


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Grushka, K. (2024). Studio Art Therapy Learning Ecology: Crossing Borders between Art, Education, Health, and Therapy. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 41 - 62. Retrieved from