Embodied Tree: Empowering Its Symbolic Strength Through Creative Arts Therapy


  • Mimma Della Cagnoletta Art Therapy Italiana Association, Bologna, Italy
  • Rosa Maria Govoni Art Therapy Italiana Association, Bologna, Italy
  • Donatella Mondino Art Therapy Italiana Association, Bologna, Italy


creative process, art and movement, interconnection, embodied tree, transformation

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2021) 7(2):138–148 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2021/7/10

Embodied Tree: Empowering Its Symbolic Strength Through Creative Arts Therapy


When fear and anxiety for the future gain ground inside of us, nature helps to restore our inner balance and strengthen our link to life. In a webinar for creative arts therapists, we used movements and art to connect with the wisdom of the tree. We embodied its symbolic power, which subsequently represented it in an art form. The tree’s resemblance to the human body and its use as a symbol in myths made it a vehicle to regain a sense of life’s continuation and transformation. As trees are interconnected through their roots, participants co-constructed a unity and a continuity with each other, a precious feeling in a time of isolation and absence of contact.

Keywords: creative process, art and movement, interconnection, embodied tree, transformation


当对未来的恐惧和焦虑在我们内心占据主导地位时, 大自然有助于恢复内心的平衡, 加强我们与生命的联结。在一次为创造性艺术治疗师举办的网络研讨会上, 我们用动作和艺术与树的智慧连接。我们具身化了树的象征性力量, 随后以一种艺术形式呈现出来。树与人体有相似性, 它在神话中作为一种象征使用, 这使它成为重获生命延续感和转化的载体。由于树木通过它们的根部相互连接, 参与者在彼此之间共建了一种整体性与联结感, 在一个孤立和缺乏联系的时代, 这是一种珍贵的感觉。

关键词: 创作过程,艺术和动作, 相互连接, 具身化的树, 转化.


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Cagnoletta, M. D., Govoni, R. M., & Mondino, D. (2021). Embodied Tree: Empowering Its Symbolic Strength Through Creative Arts Therapy. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 138 – 148. Retrieved from http://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/328


