Creative Arts Educ Ther (2017) 3(2):41–46 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2017/3/5

Western-trained music therapist in China: set up a music therapy program in Chinese medical setting


Qian Li 李茜

Wuxi Mental Health Center, China


This article provides an overview of the history and development of music therapy in China medical setting. It also includes a pilot project, set up by a western-trained music therapist in a Chinese psychiatric hospital in 2013. The project aimed to explore how to apply music therapy based on Chinese-culture needs , educate and inform participants (medical staff/patients/families) on issues and potentials to mental patients; explain common misunderstandings by using contemporary music therapy perspectives and engage patients in different music therapy models to improve their functions. The project has been ongoing for 4 years and has some good outcomes. The challenges arising from the integration of Chinese and Western cultures are also included in this article.

Keywords: Music Therapy program, Psychiatric Hospital, Cross-culture, Adult Mental Disorders, Challenges and outcomes



关键词: 音乐治疗项目, 精神病医院, 跨文化, 成年精神病人, 挑战与结果

The history and development of music therapy in Chinese medical setting

Chinese contemporary music therapy has begun in the late 80s of 20 century. Professon Ruibang Liu from music therapy program of the State University of Arizona, America was invited to give lecture in Music Therapy in Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China. This is the first time that music therapy has been systematically introduced as a profession, and has successfully captured the attention of many musicians and doctors. Professor Boyuan Zhang (1984) from Psychological School of the University of Beijing has published an experimental report A Study of the Mental and Physical Reaction from Music. The study has demonstrated the differences of physical reaction after listening to active and sedate music. This is the first published study on music therapy in China, followed with several articles on the clinical exploration of music therapy. (Tian Gao, 2007)

中国当代音乐治疗的出现是在20世纪80年代后期,美国亚利桑那州立大学音乐治疗教授刘邦瑞在中央音乐学院进行关于音乐治疗学的讲学,这是第一次对音乐治疗的系统科学的介绍,激发起很多音乐家和医生对音乐治疗的兴趣。1984年北京大学心理学教授张博远发表了《音乐的身心反应研究》实验报考,报告了被试在聆听欢乐的音乐和安静抒情的音乐时的不同生理反应。这是中国第一次发表的音乐治疗科学研究报告,之后又陆续有人发表了多篇有关音乐治疗在临床探索的报告(Tian Gao, 2007).

In clinical practice, music therapy was first introduced to patients by staff from Ma Wang Dui Nursing Home of Changsha. Since then, more than 200 hospitals have set up music therapy departments, and many medical team members and music lovers have started to explore the application of music therapy. In 1989, a group of psychiatrists and self-taught music therapists founded the Chinese Music Therapy Association. National conferences and seminars focusing on music therapy have been held every 2-3 years. Unfortunately, although most of the hospitals put a lot of efforts on exploring music therapy from 1989 to 1999, many hospitals have decided to close the music therapy department in 1999 with the following reasons, which were: 1, music therapy has been considered as musical prescription, as the music listening was the only way to employ for patients. For example, people with depression were suggested to listen to happy music, and people with mania was to listen to sedate music. Patients were unable to feel the empathy from therapists and music. 2, there was a lack of music therapy training in China (Tian Gao, 2007).

在临床的实际应用中,是湖南长沙马王堆疗养院首次对病人使用音乐,此后不久,全国近200多家医院陆续建立音乐治疗室,大量医务工作者和部分音乐爱好者投入到音乐治疗探索中。1989年中国音乐治疗学会成立。没2-3年举行一次全国音乐治疗学术会议。然而,遗憾的是自1989年-1999年中,尽管众多医院进行了音乐治疗方面的尝试,但到99年时,大量的医院关闭了音乐治疗室(Tian Gao, 2007)。其原因有两方面:1、大部分医院只是采用简单的为病人播放音乐的形式,甚至出现“音乐处方”的概念,例如抑郁的病人听一些开心的音乐,躁狂的病人听一些安静的音乐等,长期以来,病人在音乐中没能获得基本的共情,最后越来越多的病人对这种形式的治疗也失去了信心。2、缺少专业音乐治疗师的培训。

Education programs of music therapy in China

Therefore, music therapy research center has been established in the central conservatory of music since 1996. Master of music therapy program has started since 1999, followed with a bachelor of music therapy program was established in 2003. The standards and goals of professional training were strictly according to the requirements of American Music Therapy Association. Music therapy as a profession has been established in China for two decades up to 2017, there are over 100 music therapists complete training. Professional music therapy programs are to continue expanding, to date, 13 universities have established the music therapy program in China.


There are at least 1/3 of music therapist graduates still active in this area. Most of them have been endeavoring in universities, special education organizations, and/or enterprises, and hardly working in health system. The reasons include: 1, a lack of job title for music therapy practitioners within Chinese health system affect the talent introduction policies and career development; 2, humanistic care concept has been neglected in Chinese health care for a long time.


The situation has changed since rehabilitation was introduced to medical field. Rehabilitation, as a new branch discipline, is emphasized to improve functioning physically, psychologically and spiritually. The focuses is not just protect patients’ life, but also to regain overall functioning, promote quality of life, return to society, and have a meaningful life. Rehabilitation concept has been introduced to China since 1983, and was officially part of the Medicare in 2011. This resulted in a great need of establishing rehabilitation departments as well as physicians’ introduction in mainstream hospitals in China, which also opened a tunnel for integrating music therapists into medical field.


Music therapy in Wuxi Mental Health Center

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Ward of Wuxi Mental Health Center (MHCW) was established in 2009. This was the first public hospital in Jiangsu Province owning a mental rehabilitation program, and has tried to introduce music therapy since 2010. A psychiatrist and two nurses have started the Music Therapy Program in Wuxi (MTPW), major using music listening and song singing. In 2013, evidence based music therapy program has been established by a western train, professional music therapist.


In early stage of the development of the program, the difficulties included, 1) patients have strong psychological repel to music therapy with the reasons of a lack of knowledge about rehabilitation and music therapy experience; 2) low referral rate due to psychiatrists’ lack of understanding of music therapy; 3) inappropriate therapeutic environment and equipment. In these circumstances, building rapport with patients is therapist’s priority. Therapist has focused on starting the program with one ward by gathering information of patients’ daily schedule. Then therapist brought a guitar, and started greeting, self-introduction and offering song choices to the patients. This informal session allow therapist to build up connection with patients, collect their music preference, emotional state, and their needs. According to the information collecting from the first attempt, therapist brought some small percussion, offering music listening for entertainment purpose, to release their anxiety. For some of the initial hospitalization, music can provide them a sense of security and familiarity. Two weeks later, almost all the patients from the psychiatric rehabilitation ward have built up a good relationship with a music therapist. They were expecting the therapist and the length of the session was expanded. In order to meet everyone’s needs, a group session has established for patients to connect with each other. Families, caregivers, other therapists, and medical staff were also involved in the session, even patients from other ward were attracted by the singing. The form of accessing patients and educating by experience has increased their interests in being a part of the music therapy session. However, the aim for this kind of group can only offer emotional support. The effect was not significant for a long-term period. Therefore, therapist has divided the group according to patients’ ages and functions into elderly, adults, adolescents and psychology groups. In addition, therapist has developed music and movement, interest group and open group according to patients’ interesting. Individual music therapy session has been also developed.


In medical setting, gaining support from doctor is the key factor to determine the success of developing a new discipline. Good doctor can well explain the effectiveness of music therapy, decrease the patients’ drop-out rate, and encourage family to support the rehabilitation in order to keep the treatment on track. For arousing doctor’s awareness and having a better understanding of the music therapy process and its effectiveness. Therapist has developed music therapy assessment tool and session note template based on the American version in mental hospital, and the culture diversities. At the same time, cooperate with the engineers to develop a digital workstation for keeping and sharing the session notes and data with the psychiatrists. In addition, the system will display the condition of referral, including appropriate patients and group size, in order to ensure the professional of therapists with a reasonable caseload.


It is very important to educate medical staff regarding the knowledge of music therapy in various methods, including formal presentation, informal show in terms of patients’ rehabilitation results and the therapeutic experience from the medical staff, which help increase the medical team’s awareness of music therapy.


MT internship program in Wuxi Mental Health Center

MTPW has set up the internship program with the Gaotian Music Therapy Research Center since 2014. It also owns the first music therapy internship program in medical field. There are more than 50 interns from all over the world participate in the program. Interns have to finish at least 720 hours for clinical work, and at least 10 hours on a weekly base for supervision. During internship, interns have to study music therapy theory, independently to conduct music therapy sessions, complete documentation and music therapy ethics. At the final stage, interns have to complete one-hour oral clinical report for evaluation. In all, the standard of internship is according to the University of Temple.

自2014年,我们同时与高天音乐治疗研究中心立了实习生合作项目,该机构也做为第一个音乐治疗师医疗领域实习项目,至今以接待超过50名全世界各地音乐治疗的学生,学生需要完成至少720个小时的临床实习时间,每周进行不少于10小时的督导。实习过程中,不仅需要了解相关音乐治疗的理论,并要求能够独立进行音乐治疗实践操作及文档和疗效记录,同时需要进行治疗师Ethic 的学习,在实习最后,需要完成至少1小时的实习汇报,实习的评判的标准为美国temple大学音乐治疗实习条件规定。

Up to the present, MTPW is one of the representative music therapies of Chinese medical field. It has established the operational standard to adapt Chinese medical system during 3 years. The MTPW team is not only provide music therapy sessions for patients with mental health problem in MHCW, but also cooperate with several organizations including company, mainstream school, nursing home, prison, drug rehabilitation center, special school to offer music therapy services. In addition, MTPW also organized international music therapy conferences and trainings constantly.


MHCW is the syndic unit of the Chinese Music Therapy Association, Chinese Art Therapy Association and Chinese Rehabilitation Association. MHCW is actively working to build up the bridge in-between music therapy and medical rehabilitation, with a strong willingness to promote music therapy into rehabilitation physicians’ system and psychological system. This is also to help more professional music therapists gain self-identity when they step into the medical system to offer a better care service.


About the author

Qian Li 李茜, Australian Registered Music Therapist (RMT), Director, Mental Health Center, Wuxi Province, China


ORCID: 0000-0002-3740-1815


Tian, Gao (2007). Basic theory of music therapy. Beijing: World Publishing Corporation.