Creative Arts Educ Ther (2020) 6(1):1–2 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2020/6/21



This issue of the journal focuses on COVID-19, the coronavirus pandemic. These articles review the coronavirus epidemic outbreak beginning in late 2019 in China and the rest of the world and its wide-ranging impacts on a social-psychological level on the world’s population. This provides us with a cross-cultural reflection on this pandemic using both Chinese and global perspectives.

Several authors from China and other countries explore this issue from different angles ranging across biomedicine, traditional Chinese medicine, education and psychotherapy, and ecology. These articles were written at different stages of the pandemic, some in earlier stage, some very recently, but all correlated to COVID-19 and arts. The virus is defined and discussed literally and symbolically to address the challenges human beings are facing in relation to great technological advancement and rapid economic development in human society. This alarming public health crisis prompts us to build a respectful and harmonious relationship with nature through humanistic approaches which can serve as guidelines for sustainable human development in the future. Vivid and inspiring artwork is included and presented in some of these articles highlighting the invaluable contribution of arts in this crisis.

In this difficult time, we have witnessed that a virus can act as a biological and psychological agent to separate us as well as to unite us. We also notice that the original concept of ‘social distancing’ does not seem to be valid anymore. Instead, we are looking for ‘physical distancing and social solidarity’ while being confined. However, we, as human beings, can’t survive without physical connection and intimacy, which distinguishes us from the digital entities penetrating and dominating our lives. The COVID-19 pandemic reminds us both of our uniqueness as well as our vulnerability, and the significance of staying connected to nature that is our ultimate resource for creativity, vitality, and belonging. It also calls for a fundamental transformation of human beings and our society to go beyond our own guarded territories into a global collaborative community to advance humanity. Among this mission, art will play an indispensable role to integrate our body, mind and spirit, and facilitate the equal and constructive dialogue between east and west, south and north.

Dr. Tony Yu Zhou, CMA

Founder and Executive Editor




在这个艰难的时刻,我们看到病毒作为一种生物和心理的媒介,让我们彼此分离,也让我们团结一致。我们也注意到,最初提出 “社交隔离 “的概念似乎不再有效。取而代之的是,受到禁锢的同时,我们也在寻找“身体的疏离和社交的联结。”然而,作为人类,我们无法在失去身体连结和亲密关系的支持下生存,这也是我们与众多渗透并支配人类生活的数码实体的区别。新冠肺炎提醒我们人类具有独特性与脆弱性,与自然保持连接格外重要,它是我们创造力、活力和归属感的终极源泉。 全球性的疫情也呼唤人类和社会发生根本性的转变,超越我们各自守卫的领地,成为一个全球合作的共同体,促进人类的进步。在这一使命中,艺术将发挥不可或缺的作用,融合我们的身、心、灵,促进东西南北全球平等和建设性对话。


