Creative Arts Educ Ther (2016) 2(2):1–3 DOI: 10.15534/CAET/2016/2/1



Dear Readers,

After launching the first two issues of CAET, we are bringing the winter issue for 2016 to you, still with lots of excitement. I keep on being inspired by the commitment and creativity of our editorial team which works diligently to ensure the quality of the articles in line with our vision and mission of CAET.

I am pleased that we have the focus on Korea for the Colloquium in this issue, following the China focus in the previous one. Three Korean colleagues, Mina Mo, Min-Jeong Bae and Sun Hyun Kim, wrote about the latest development in arts therapy and education in their country. The approach in art therapy in Korea, for example, is quite unique and different from the model in the West, offering us other interesting perspectives. It is the continuous learning and exchange between the East and West that stimulates reflection as well as the progress and change of our fields.

We are also proud to announce the Forum, a new section in our journal, in addition to the Colloquium and the Featured Artist. The Forum contains an article by a contributor, followed by a series of short responses from different writers. The purpose of the Forum is to encourage dialogue with different perspectives in the field and with different cultures. We hope that this will be a way in which we can enlarge our perspectives by attending and responding to others’ points of view and searching for a shared purpose. Our Editor-in-Chief Professor Shaun McNiff generously wrote an interesting article about Ch’i and Artistic Expression as the first Forum article. The Chinese characters and calligraphy in the article give an impressive visual presentation conveying the essence of Ch’i. We thank Mimma Della Cagnoletta (Italy), Kate Donohue (US), Hari Kirin Khalsa (US), Alexander Kopytin (Russia), Lai Ka Kit (Hong Kong), José Miguel Calderon (Peru) and Karen Studd (US) from various backgrounds for their enthusiastic and constructive responses, bringing diversified perspectives to this discussion and dialogue. I think the discussion of Ch’i is very important, as it addresses key notions in Chinese philosophy, namely Essence/Ch’i/Spirit (精气神), the indispensable inner and outer energy/flow that maintains our vitality, health and creativity as human beings. Like many of you, I have witnessed many artists and therapists who showed an impressive Ch’i within themselves and with their art works that have touched deep inside people’s souls.

Also in this issue, Dr. Tian Tian from Beijing Dance Academy in her article The Construction of “Traditional”: Imaginative Reshaping of Chinese Classical Dance in an International Context, presents her teaching experiences in the United States and her reflection on Chinese classical dance. This article resonates well with the Ch’i article from Shaun and also adds an important dimension. This is part of Tian’s doctoral research, and I have encouraged her to share her interesting perspectives with colleagues in the West. For the Chinese researchers and scholars in arts, I know how challenging it can be to do that, but I believe that it is important to make such steps to let the world know our country. I am very glad Tian made this great effort and I appreciate her trust in and dedication to our work.

The Featured Artist is the interview from Steve Levine with the Canadian/Japanese Butoh artist Denise Fujiwara. Butoh, as a unique artistic form, combines cultural, historical and therapeutic aspects to present the value of this Japanese dance which has intrigued many people in the world, including those from China who have become increasingly interested in Japanese art.

I’d like to thank all the contributors again for their support on behalf of the CAET journal.

And I wish you all much joy in reading this issue of the CAET journal.

Tony Yu Zhou, PhD, CMA

Inspirees Institute, China

Executive Editor

Nov 16, 2016



我很高兴在上一期聚焦中国之后,我们这期 “专栏报告”的焦点关注到了韩国。三位韩国同事Mina Mo, Min-Jeong Bae 和 Sun Hyun Kim谈到了在他们国家艺术治疗和艺术教育的最新发展情况。比如,韩国的美术治疗的模式是独特的,和西方很不同。这给我们提供了另外一个有趣的视角。而正是这些东西方之间不断的学习和交流促进了我们的反思,以及我们领域的改变和进步。

我们也自豪地在这一期推出了“论坛”栏目,这是CAET在“专栏报告”和“特色艺术家”之后的一个新专栏。论坛包含了一位作者的一篇文章以及其他多位不同作者对这篇文章的简短回应和评论。论坛的目的是为了鼓励业内具有不同文化背景和视角作者之间的对话和交流。我们希望通过参与和回应其他人的观点并求同存异,可以扩展我们的视角。我们的主编,Shaun McNiff教授慷慨地为论坛写了关于气和艺术表达的开篇文章。文中中国书法家张瀚金老师的中文书法传神地将气的视觉生动呈现了出来。我们感谢所有人热情和有建设性的回应,不同背景的他们将不同的视角带入了这期的讨论和对话中。我认为关于气的讨论很重要,因为它触及到了我们中国哲学中“精气神”的理念,这是维系我们人类生命力,健康和创造力不可缺少的内在和外在的能量和流动。和你们许多人一样,我也见证了许多艺术家和治疗师体内的能量,他们的这些“气”通过其艺术作品深深触及到了我们的灵魂。

在这一期中还有来自北京舞蹈舞蹈学院的田湉博士撰写的文章《构建“传统”- 国际语境下的“国舞”(中国古典舞)的想象性重塑》。其中呈现和分享了田湉在美国的教学经历和她对中国古典舞的反思。这篇文章和Shaun关于气的文章很好地形成了共鸣,并在之上加入了另外一个重要的维度。这篇文章也是田湉博士论文研究工作中的一部分,我一直在鼓励她将其有趣的视角与西方的同行进行分享。对于中国艺术领域的研究者和学者们,我明白这是一项富有挑战性的任务,但是我相信走出这一步对于让世界了解我们的国家是多么的重要。我很高兴田湉博士做出了这个蛮大的努力,并感激她对我们工作的信任和不懈支持。

这期的“特色艺术家”是我们另外一位主编Steve Levine教授对旅居加拿大的日本舞踏艺术家Denise Fujiwara的采访文章。舞踏,一种独特的艺术形式,将文化、历史和疗愈的各个面向组合在一起,并呈现出这一日本传统舞蹈的价值,使舞踏让世界上,包括中国的很多人为之着迷。




