Creative Arts Educ Ther (2018) 4(2):98–99 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2018/4/11

Introduction to “Lightly threaded clusters from Australia and New Zealand”


Stephen K. Levine

The European Graduate School, Switzerland

Towards the end of 2017, I had the pleasure of teaching in New Zealand and Australia with students and faculty practicing and studying the Expressive Arts. While there, I found a rich diversity of practitioners using the arts in therapy, education and research. CAET is pleased to present some of this work, essays, poems and images, all of which testify to the creative energy of these practitioners.

“Lightly threaded” is a good metaphor for the material presented here. Rather than a systematic treatise, the work in this issue is highly individual, reflecting the personal experience of the authors. We must always remember that the arts begin with the passion and intention of the person. It is only afterwards that a pattern begins to emerge. These pieces stem from such passion and intention. They are “lightly threaded” together, in the way that a collection of sticks covered with yarn or pieces of fabric made into a quilt come together. As Deborah Green comments, what holds them together is “poietic presense” (the second “s” signifying the sensible and sensual nature of the work).

Such “presense” is grounded in the rich natural landscape of these countries and always bears with it the marks of their indigenous forebears and contemporary co-creators. Landscape and history are alive in these works and in the lives of those to whom these images came. At the same time, this material reaches out to others in the creative and expressive arts in different parts of the world, with different ecologies and stories to tell. We hope that it will contribute to the lightly threaded strands of our own work, always emerging and generating new forms in the presense of poiesis.

至2017年底,我有幸一直在新西兰和澳大利亚教学,接触到了实践和学习表达性艺术的师生。在那里,我发现了许多拥有丰富多元背景的从业者们将艺术运用于治疗,教育和研究领域。 CAET期刊很高兴介绍一部分展现这些实践者们创造力的作品,散文,诗歌和图片。


