Creative Arts Educ Ther (2018) 4(2):83–84 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2018/4/9



It was three years ago when the first issue of CAET was launched. Now looking back, I, together with our team – and especially the EEC members – feel very proud of what we have achieved so far. We have published over 80 articles in the past seven issues and converted CAET into an open access journal, making it a premier resource both for the public and for professionals working in this field. There are fascinating articles to read, among them: ‘A China Focus on the Arts and Human Understanding’ from Shaun McNiff; ‘The Tao of Poiesis: Expressive Arts Therapy and Taoist Philosophy’ from Steve Levine; ‘Outsider Art in China’, a dialogue between the Chinese pioneering artist Guo Haiping and leading scholar Daniel Wojcik from the US. We have also created several unique sections in the journal – including the ‘Colloquium’ which profiles the creative and expressive arts in education, research and therapy within China, Japan and South Korea. There is also the ‘Forum’ – an ongoing platform for dialogue initiated by feature articles with responses from a wide range of authors from different fields worldwide. All these contributions strengthen our mission to bridge East and West and disseminate shared knowledge and humanity to the world. In bringing new ideas to the journal, we have made full use of digital technology and have built a visually strong website/portal for CAET with featured articles, videos and people profiles.

2018 has been a year of challenges for the world. There have been calls for leadership amidst great swathes of conflict. Our societies manifest a need for healing. The West is looking to the East again for time-proven wisdom and inspiration as it did a century ago. And China, after opening itself and letting many things flow in from the outside, has started to reflect on the Western influences and its own traditions and values. There is a way – named Tao (道) in Chinese philosophy and mentioned many times by Shaun McNiff and Steve Levine in their writings – to advance civilization and humanity for the common good. I firmly believe that it is essential for us to follow the Tao in compliance with nature. The Tao is reflected in every form of art – in dance, music, painting, creative writing, drama, et al. – and shows us how to find harmony and balance between structure and freedom, between our inner worlds and the outer world. Trained as a scientist, I am struck again and again that when I practice artistic expression with an attitude of full presence and WuWei (无为), I can feel the existence of Tao with its creative process helping me make deep contact with the souls both of myself and others with joy, compassion and respect for nature.

We welcome you to join us in embracing the Tao and in realizing our mission of exploring how the arts can further East – West understanding through body, mind and soul.

Dr. Tony Yu Zhou

Inspirees Institute, China

CAET第一期出版是在整整三年前。回顾过去,我和我们的团队,尤其执行编委会成员,对我们迄今取得的成就感到无比欣慰和自豪。我们在过去的七期中发表了80多篇文章,并将CAET转换为开放获取期刊,使其成为世界上该专业领域针对公众和专业人士的重要核心学术资源之一。这七期中包含了有一些引人入胜的文章:世界表达性艺术治疗奠基人-肖恩•麦克尼夫的“理解艺术和人:中国式聚焦”; 史蒂夫•莱文的“创造之道:表达性艺术治疗和道家哲学”;“中国原生艺术” – 中国先锋艺术家郭海平与美国著名学者丹尼尔•沃伊奇克之间的对话。我们还创立了几个独特的栏目,包括“专栏报告”,以国家报道形式分别介绍了中国、日本和韩国的表达性和创造性教育、研究和治疗; “论坛” – 由专题文章发起并由来自全球不同领域的多名作者进行回应的持续对话平台。所有这些文章都加强了CAET期刊搭建东西方桥梁的使命,并帮助我们在世界传播和共享知识和人道。CAET期刊还不断创新,充分利用数化字技术,建立了一个有很强视觉感,内容丰富,功能齐全的门户网站,通过各种形式呈现精选文章和视频,以及对作者和编委的介绍。

2018年是全球挑战的一年。在世界的冲突中我们呼唤领袖。人类社会也表现出疗愈的需要。西方正在向东方寻找古老的智慧和灵感,如同其一个世纪前一战后所做的那样。中国在开放让许多事物从外流入后,也开始反思西方的影响及其自身的传统和价值观。有一种正确的方式,在中国哲学中被称为“道”,如肖恩•麦克尼夫和史蒂夫•莱文在文章中多次提到的,是为了人类共同利益对文明和人性的发展和推动。我坚信,这是符合天道和大自然的正义之举。道可以反映在各种艺术形式中 – 舞蹈,音乐,绘画,写作,戏剧等,这些艺术向我们展示出了如何在结构和自由,我们的内心世界和外部世界之间找到和谐与平衡。作为一名接受过西方科学训练的科学家,我一次又一次地深深感到,当我以充分的临在和无为的态度去体验艺术表达时,能够感受到“道”的存在,其创造性的过程帮助我与自己和他人的灵魂深深地连接在了一起,心中满怀喜悦、慈悲和对大自然的尊重。


