Navigating Resilience: Developing The MAP Framework for Supporting Children Through Familial Adversity in Hong Kong


  • Kit Ping Wong Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Hong Kong
  • Siu Yan Frances Leung Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Hong Kong
  • Lai Yin Galie Chow Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Hong Kong


family adversity, art therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, attachment

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2024) 10(1):141–155 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2024/10/7

Navigating Resilience: Developing The MAP Framework for Supporting Children Through Familial Adversity in Hong Kong


Formulating interventions when working with children from a wide age range who have experienced familial adversity with diverse developmental needs present significant challenges that warrant investigation. The MAP framework, which was established by a support service in Hong Kong, encompasses guidelines for both therapeutic goals and strategies to facilitate focus and clarity in the therapeutic work based on literature review, critical reflection, and feedback from participants. As therapeutic goals, M stands for mindful awareness and management of emotions, A denotes attachment building, and P refers to positive self-worth. In working toward intervention strategies, M represents mindfulness practice, and A and P refer to art and play mediums, respectively. Case examples are included to illustrate the application of the model.

Keywords: family adversity, art therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, attachment


经历过家庭逆境之儿童,因應他们的年龄跨度很大,有着不同的发展需求,在为他们制定干预措施时面临着巨大的挑战,值得研究。MAP框架是由香港的一家支持服务机构建立的,我们根据文献回顾、批判性反思和参与者的反馈意见,建立了框架,其中包括治疗目标和策略指南,以促进治疗工作的重点和清晰度。作为治疗目标,“M”代表正念意识和情绪管理,“A”表示依恋关系的建立,“P”指积极的自我价值。在介入策略方面,"M"代表正念练习,"A"和 “P”指艺术和游戏媒介。本报告还列举了一些案例, 以说明模式的应用。

关键词: 家庭逆境, 艺术疗法, 游戏疗法, 正念练习, 依附關係


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Wong, K. P., Frances Leung, S. Y., & Galie Chow, L. Y. (2024). Navigating Resilience: Developing The MAP Framework for Supporting Children Through Familial Adversity in Hong Kong. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 141 – 155. Retrieved from


