The Lexicon of Pain: Highlighting the Advantages of Applied Theater in Pediatrics through the Lens of Psychodynamic Therapy



applied theater, psychodynamic therapy, pediatrics, storytelling, healthcare

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2024) 10(1):126–140 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2024/10/5

The Lexicon of Pain: Highlighting the Advantages of Applied Theater in Pediatrics through the Lens of Psychodynamic Therapy


Applied theater for health and well-being suggests itself as an effective tool for social and emotional interaction and communication of emotions, developing creativity, imagination, and regulation of emotions during hospitalization. This paper aims to explore the value of communicating emotions through applied theater and storytelling in pediatrics and its potential in clinical practice in a discussion through the lens of psychodynamic therapy. We will explore the intersections, synergies, and possible collaborations between the theatrical form as a condition for openness and verbalizing pain and therapy as a method of processing and dealing with emotions. We discuss fictional stories told by children during applied theater and storytelling research interventions in hospitals as case studies through the lens of psychodynamic therapy with children. We explore these stories by using interdisciplinary, synthetic, and dialectic analysis between the researcher-artist and the psychodynamic therapist. We ask if the stories that hospitalized children create within theatrical interventions can help adults and clinical staff understand better the children’s lexicon of pain, leading to sensitive healthcare. The rich narrative discussion of the case studies indicates that applied theater in hospitals enhanced well-being support in children and as gateways for improved care. The core themes that emerged include empowerment, synergies and exchanges of emotions, emotional reassurance, and imagination. This analysis of hospitalized children’s stories from a psychodynamic therapist’s point of view has scope for informing alternative, nonmedical activities with children in the hospital and those who would benefit from clinical therapy and the performing arts.

Keywords: applied theater, psychodynamic therapy, pediatrics, storytelling, healthcare



关键词: 应用戏剧, 心理动力治疗, 儿科, 叙事, 保健


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Sextou, P., & Kiosses, S. (2024). The Lexicon of Pain: Highlighting the Advantages of Applied Theater in Pediatrics through the Lens of Psychodynamic Therapy. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 126 – 140. Retrieved from


