A Dialogue with Guo Haiping: The Concept of Universe in the Nanjing Outsider Art


  • Haiping Guo Nanjing Outsider Art Studio
  • Aimee T. Liu Creative Arts in Education and Therapy, China
  • Katherine Tang The Ethel Walker School


China outsider art, Universe, Haiping Guo, transpersonal psychology

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2021) 7(2):128–137 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2021/7/11

A Dialogue with Guo Haiping: The Concept of Universe in the Nanjing Outsider Art


Native artists in Nanjing Outsider Art Studio are individuals who have been medically diagnosed with different types of mental illness who have been socially isolated for a long time and without a high school diploma. Half of them spent only a few years in special schools for various mental and intellectual disabilities. Why are the native artists with less education who experience mental illness so interested in the study of the universe? In an in-depth interview with Guo Haiping and Aimee T. Liu, Guo shared his explanations of this phenomenon in the sphere of transpersonal psychology.

Keywords: China outsider art, Universe, Haiping Guo, transpersonal psychology



关键词: 中国原生艺术,宇宙,郭海平,超个人心理学


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Cite this article

Guo, H., Liu, A. T., & Tang, K. (2021). A Dialogue with Guo Haiping: The Concept of Universe in the Nanjing Outsider Art. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 128 – 137. Retrieved from http://caet.inspirees.com/caetojsjournals/index.php/caet/article/view/338


