From Stigma to Affirmation: Advocacy through Art in China, Japan, and Beyond

A Special Section on Eye Eye Nose Mouth: Art, Disability, and Mental Illness in Nanjing, China and Shiga-Ken, Japan Harvard University Asia Center Exhibition, 2019


  • Shaun McNiff Lesley University, USA


artistic advocacy, stigma, disability, mental health, self-taught artists, outsider art, art brut, studio-based art therapy, Nanjing Outsider Art Studio, Atelier Yamanami, Guo Haiping, Masato Yamashita

Article Information

Creative Arts Educ Ther (2019) 5(1):3–13 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2019/5/2

From Stigma to Affirmation: Advocacy through Art in China, Japan, and Beyond

A Special Section on Eye Eye Nose Mouth: Art, Disability, and Mental Illness in Nanjing, China and Shiga-Ken, Japan Harvard University Asia Center Exhibition, 2019


哈佛大学亚洲中心特展(2019)- 眼鼻嘴:中国南京和日本滋贺县的艺术、残疾和精神疾患


This is an introduction to the special section dealing with the 2019 Harvard University Asia Center exhibition. The showing of art from Nanjing, China and Shiga-Ken, Japan workshops and the accompanying Harvard symposium feature a unique artistic advocacy seeking to change social attitudes about people living with disability and mental illness. The reflective essay reviews the exhibition and accompanying catalogue and draws parallels between the East Asian workshops and the art therapy studio movement in the West.



关键词: 艺术宣传, 污名, 残疾, 心理健康, 自学成才, 外来艺术, 艺术brut, 工作室艺术疗法, 南京外来艺术工作室, Amanlier Yamanami, 郭海平, Masato Yamashita


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Cite this article

McNiff, S. (2019). From Stigma to Affirmation: Advocacy through Art in China, Japan, and Beyond: A Special Section on Eye Eye Nose Mouth: Art, Disability, and Mental Illness in Nanjing, China and Shiga-Ken, Japan Harvard University Asia Center Exhibition, 2019. Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (CAET), Pages 3 – 13. Retrieved from




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